As Dr. Chris Isichei loves to say: “the best investments are ones in human lives.” From its small beginnings in 1996, Faith Alive has grown into a medical center with many types of services and surgeries available, most at no cost to the patient. Because few alternatives for medical care in Jos exist, Faith Alive sees great demand – about 40,000 patients annually.
Our Project this year addresses a huge area of need: Power. Jos suffers from power outages – these occur daily, sometimes for many hours at a time. This is potentially life threatening for a hospital that has as many as 20-30 surgeries going on in a given day. Currently, diesel generators provide the backup power, but as diesel fuel rises in cost, this gets expensive – running the generator costs about $30 an hour.
Our Solar Project will eliminate about one third of the generator run time by covering the roof of the main hospital with solar panels. This will save the hospital about $60,000 a year in diesel fuel - this is real cash flow that will be repurposed to fund additional hospital operations.
In other words, a gift to fund the Solar Project will be a gift that keeps on giving year after year by redirecting diesel costs to hospital operations that save lives.
Won’t you join us in helping fund this project?
Thank you!